Thursday, February 5, 2009

Outside reading

In twilight , one of the main chacters, Edward Cullen who is a vampire, is faced with a huge challenge that he has to overcome. Bella Swan is a new girl in town who has a blood type that Edward can't stand to be near and when he is near her, he wants to suck her blood. At first he can't be in the same room as her for more then five minutes but soon he realizes that he can not kill her because his love for her is stonger then his desire to kill her. Edward tries so hard to hide his thirst for her blood but it is too strong. He decides to make a choice and keep her alive and while doing so he ends up falling in love with her. This struggle was probably the hardest and most attention getting struggle any chacters in the book had to overcome. When edward and bella kissed , it had one wondering if he was going to let his desire get the best of him and kill her or if he was going to put it aside and forget about it. The author did a great job showing a chacter overcome something that one would think is impossible to overcome and always left one guessing what would happen next.

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