Thursday, February 19, 2009


Today, I read an article called tiny dancer about a pre-teen girl with IV Hodgkin lymphoma cancer. Sarah Marchbank, had a passion for dancing and she wasn't going to let her cancer get in the way of doing what she loves best.
"'I feel powerful, strong and graceful when I dance."'
This quote explains how much passion and dedication she had towards dance. Sarah had to endure a lot of hardships along the way of treatment like, chemo and radiation therapy but she still had hope that she would dance on. It amazes me that someone so young could go through something so scary and painful and yet still be strong enough to live out dreams. Sarah was even strong and brave enough to dance at one of her recitals without any hair on her head. To me it takes true courage to do something like that. Sarah never once doubted that she would beat cancer and be okay.She always had hope that thing work out the way God wanted and they was it was meant to be. Hope is something that can lift a persons spirit when everything seems to be going wrong. If someone has hope then it can truely carry you through hard times and lead you to where you want to be. Without hope nothing is possible.

Sarah, M. "Tiny Dancer." Promise Winter 2009. (

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