Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Outside reading #6

For my six outside reading I decided to explain a quote from chicken soup for the teenage soul volume four. the qoute says "friendship is a horizon--which expands whenever we approach it."- E.R. Hazlip. I think this quote means that friendship can only grow stronger and better when you want it to. You can't sit around and wait for a friendship with another person if you don't put time and effort into it. Friendship is something that is very valuable and something that should be greatly cherished. You need friends to be there when times are rough and also to share the good times with you. You have to put effort into friends so that when you need them they are there for you and when they need you you are there for them. One of the most important things about being friends with someone is giving them complete trust and that you can confide in them and not worry that they are going to talk about you behind your back.

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