Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Cross my heart and hope to spy

" wow..you're really not over Josh" (Carter 65).

This quote is said by one of Cammie's friends named Bex. Josh was Cammie's boyfriend in the first book, I'd tell you I love you but then I'd have to kill you. Cammie had to break up with Josh because he could not know how she really lived her life and what type of school she really goes to. At one point Josh did end up finding out the truth about Cammie , which was good because there weren't anymore lies between them. But in the end Cammie ended up giving Josh tea to forget everything that she ever told him about spying and her spy school she attends. Even though Cammie and Josh broke up Cammie is still in love with him. Getting over people is something that is very hard for people to do. The healing process after a break up can take a very long time if you truly loved the person. For the healing process to really work you have to let all of your feelings out in a healthy way otherwise they will come out through other things that could affect your life more. While it is good to cry and let your feelings out, you can't dwell on the past and let it control your life. After a break up it's hard to know what to do with your life and how to move on to better things but it must be done. In the end you realize that the break-up happened for a reason and truly did make your life better even if it a takes a while to see that.

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