Thursday, January 1, 2009

Outside reading

Since it’s the New Year I decided to blog about the top ten new years resolutions for 2009.
-Make more time for family and friends
-Quit smoking
-Start exercising
-Go back to school / take a class
-Get out of debt
-Advance in career, make more money
-Get into philanthropy and community involvement
-Quit drinking
-Lose weight
-Get out of a bad relationship / find true love

Most people make new years resolutions and only follow them for about a week or so but a resolution won't work unless it comes from the heart and its something that you actually want to do. Picking a resolution from the top ten list might not work for you because it's just the most popular one not the one that works for everyone. Also a lot of these resolutions aren't something you can just say you want to do without putting time and effort into doing. You have to really want to make a difference in your life for you, not for others. Thats when things start to go bad and resolutions fall through. One of the resolutions i have is to be a better person. I'm not trying to be a better person to please others but rather for myself. A new year is a time to make changes for yourself and to reflect on changes you can make to become a better you.

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